1) If you hadn't been late, a) we wouldn't have missed the buss b) we wouldn't had missed the buss c) we wouldn't had miss the buss d) we wouldn't have miss the buss 2) If she had studied, a) she would have pass the exam b) she would had passed the exam c) she would have passed the exam d) she would had pass the exam 3) If we had arrived earlier, a) we could have saw John b) we could have see John c) we can have see John d) we could have seen John 4) If they had gone to bed early, a) They wouldn't have woken up late.  b) They would not wake up late c) They wouldn't have woke up d) They wouldn't wake up late. 5) If he had become a musician, a) he would have recorded a CD b) he could had recorded a CD c) he would had recorded a CD d) he could have record a CD. 6) If she had gone to Art school, a) she sould have became a painter b) she should become a painter c) she would have became a painter d) she could have become a painter 7) If I had been born in a different country, a) I would had learnt to speak a different language b) I would have learn to speak a different language c) I would have learnt to speak a different language d) I would has learnt to speak a different language 8) If she had gone to university, a) she could had studied French b) she would have studied French c) she could has studied French d) she would haves studied French 9) If we hadn't gone to the party,  a) we wouldn't have meet them. b) we wouldn't have met them.  c) we wouldn't haves met them. d) we wouldn't hadmet them. 10) If he hadn't taken the job,  a) he could have gone travelling b) he could had go travelling c) he could go travelling d) he could have go travelling 11) He would have been happier a) if he had stayed at home b) if he stayed at home c) if he stays at home d) if he had stays at home 12) She would have passed the exam a) if she studied harder. b) if she had study harder. c) if she studies harder. d) if she had studied harder.  13) We wouldn't have gotten married  a) if we not gone to the same university b) if we hadn't gone to the same university c) if we hadn't go to the same university d) if we hadn't went to the same university 14) They wouldn't have been late a) if they taken a taxi b) if they took a taxi c) if they had taken a taxi d) if they take a taxi 15) She wouldn't have met him a) if she hadn't come to London b) if she comes to London c) if she came to London d) if she hadn't came to London 16) He would've taken a taxi a) if he had enough money b) if he has had enough money c) if he have has enough money d) if he had had enough money 17) I would've called you a) if I forgotten my phone b) if I hadn't forget my phone c) if I hadn't forgotten my phone d) if I forgot my phone 18) We would've come a) if we been invited b) if we had been invited c) if we had be invited d) if we had was invited 19) She wouldn't have done it a) if she known you were ill b) if she had knew you were ill c) if she knew you were ill d) if she had known you were ill 20) He would've been on time a) if he left earlier b) if he had left earlier c) if he has left earlier d) if he had had left earlier



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