1) to fly off the handle a) to feel slightly annoyed b) to feel frustrated c) to lose one's temper 2) to tear up a) start crying intensively b) to almost start to cry c) to separate or cause to separate abruptly 3) elated a) extremely happy b) feeling devastated c) feeling grateful 4) to be hung up on  a) to be keen on sth b) obsessed with c) interested in 5) to feel a bit off a) feel weak b) unwell, or out of sorts, either physically or mentally. c) feel less confident 6) to feel a surge of panic/anger etc. a) a wave of b) a hint of c) a sensation 7) pent-up a) emotional b) expressed c) suppressed  8) to be choked with a) filled with b) devoid of c) suffocated with 9) trace of/pang of a) feeling of b) hint of c) smell of

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