I am pretty computer ______. LITERATE  - ILLITERATE , His sister thought it was ____ to the family. LOYAL - DISLOYAL, We always for ____ Internet access. LIMIT - UNLIMITED , It was a very ____ dinner - awful food, dull atmosphere. MEMORY - UNMEMORABLE , She has a very cold and ___ manner. PERSON - IMPERSONAL , The project is ___. PERFECT - IMPERFECT , His face is ___, no emotions at all. PASSIVE - IMPASSIVE , Her diagnosis was not ___. SIMILAR - DISSIMILAR , The heat was ___. BEAR - UNBEARABLE , The country has a long, ___ record of dealing harshly with prisoners. GLORY - INGLORIOUS , Isabella is ___ and selfish. GENEROUS  - UNGENEROUS , The bank was ___ to lend her money. WILLING - UNWILLING , The task is quite ___. USUAL - UNUSUAL , They are young and ___ parents, they need support. EXPERIENCE - INEXPERIENCED , He was ___ to speak his mind. AFRAID - UNAFRAID , This work is extremely ____. ADEQUATE - INADEQUATE , She is ___ to the needs of her children. ATTENTIVE - INATTENTIVE , She is ___ of love. CAPABLE - INCAPABLE , The answer is ___. CORRECT - INCORRECT , He is an ____ person. COMPLICATED - UNCOMPLICATED , It is still ___ what to do. CLEAN - UNCLEAN , How can you be so ___? DIFFERENT  - INDIFFERENT , Are you still ___ about a new job? DECIDE - UNDECIDED , The fish was too spicy and ___. EAT - INEDIBLE , ___ is a big problem in Korea. EMPLOY - UNEMPLOYMENT , This goal was ___. FATHOM - UNFATHOMABLE , It not ___ in her age to pay attention to the appearance. TYPICAL - UNTYPICAL , An ___ study asks... EFFECTIVE - EFFECTIVENESS , That explains her ___ over her health. ANXIOUS - ANXIETY , In many countries ___ is a typical condition. POOR - POVERTY , I wouldn't like to live in the ___ of an airport. NEIGHBOUR - NEIGHBORHOOD , I hope to gain more ___ as I grow older. WISE - WISDOM , Many people question the ___ of God. EXIST - EXISTENCE , He got a ____ yesterday. PROMOTE - PROMOTION , It's such a pleasure to look at ____ at night. CONSTELLATE - CONSTELLATION , He has a ___ chest. HAIR - HAIRY , It's a ___ name. CATCH - CATCHY , He is speaking in a ___ monototne. ROBOT - ROBOTIC , An ____ discovery. ACCIDENT - ACCIDENTAL , He died in ___ circumstances. MYSTERY - MYSTERIOUS , After the workout he lay on the sofa. MOTION  - MOTIONLESS , A ____ spider. VENOM - VENOMOUS , He's done a ___ job. MARVEL  - MARVELLOUS , He's ___ about German literature. KNOWLEDGE - KNOWLEDGEABLE , The city is easy ____. DEFENSE - DEFENSIBLE , His words are aimed at the people's ___. GULLIBLE - GULLIBILITY , Have we become preoccupied with ___? MATERIAL - MATERIALISM , Their ___ was sophisticated. RELATION - RELATIONSHIP , It increases the ___ of a strike. LIKELY - LIKELIHOOD , To the ___ of her colleges, she stopped working. ASTONISH - ASTONISHMENT ,

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