1) John is ______. a) Swimming b) Taking a bath c) Watching d) Crying e) Carry f) None of the Above 2) Joseph is _______ on the tree. a) Carrying b) Swimming c) Crying d) Climbing e) Relaxing f) None of the above 3) Mr. San Juan is ________ his groceries. a) Carrying b) Crying c) Climbing d) Swimming e) Angried f) Dismayed 4) Reymark was _____. a) Crying b) Carrying c) Dismayed d) Sad e) Happy f) None of the Above 5) Due to the extreme heat, Juan is ______ water. a) Drinking b) Taking c) Smoking d) Dying e) Filtering f) None of the Above 6) Christian is ______ from the stairs. a) Dying b) Falling c) Grinding d) Taking e) Smoking f) None of the Above 7) Anna is _____ on the trampoline. a) Jumping b) Dying c) Sleeping d) Taking e) Watering f) None of the Above 8) Honey and Liam are _______. a) Laughing b) Carrying c) Swimming d) Dying e) Sharing f) None of the Above 9) Kean together with his friend are _____. a) Dying b) Sharing c) Happy d) Playing e) Sad f) None of the Above 10) Tooby is _____ a bike. a) Riding b) Climbing c) Using d) Taking e) Jumping f) None of the Above.


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