1) what is the longest bone in the human body? a) femur b) humerus c) fibula  d) ulna e) radius f) ribs 2) the hardest working muscle in the body is? a) Abdominals b) Trapecios c) Deltoides d) Quadriceps e) Biceps f) heart 3) What is the smallest bone? a) fibula b) tibia c) pelvis  d) spine  e) stapes f) humerus 4) What is the largest muscle in the human body? a) triceps b) diaphragm c) musculo risorio d) Quadriceps e) deltoid f) lateral rectus of the head 5) which of the following is not a bone of the skull? a) temporal b) sphenoid c) scapula d) occipital 6) which function cannot be performed by the osseous system? a) support b) movement c) protection d) contraction 7) muscle tissue in the stomach is considered ? a) cardiac muscle b) skeletal muscle c) smooth muscle d) voluntary muscle 8) How many bones does an adult person have approximately ? a) 245 b) 206 c) 273 d) 280 e) 310 f) 420 9) What are the cells that form a bone called? a) condrocitos b) osteositos c) chondreoblasts d) chondrocytes e) osteoblasts 10) Muscle fibers are cells with multiple nuclei. a) verdadero b) falso


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