True: National flower is the cherry blossom, Japan consists of 6,852 islands., The kimono is a traditional Japanese clothes worn by both men and women., Slurping noodles is polite, More paper is used for printing manga than toilet paper, Japanese people eat KFC for Christmas dinner, Toilets sing for you, Japanese people eat raw meat often, Fruits can cost 27 000 $, You can rent a person to hug you, The Japanese live (almost) the longest, False: 120 million people live in Japan, The bow is not important form of greeting in Japan, Taking a fast sleep at work is not OK, The original geishas were women, Japan is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, Japanese people wear their shoes inside the house, Number 4 is a number for luck, Fruits are very cheap in Japan, They have about 500 earthquakes a year,

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