Talk about a job you had in the past. What did you do? Did you have any achievements?, Share a story about a work trip you went on. Where did you go? What did you do there?, Describe a job interview you had before. What questions were asked? How did you answer them?, Talk about a party or event you attended at work. What activities were there? Did you meet interesting people?, Discuss a project you worked on in the past. What was the goal? What was your role? How did it turn out?, Describe a presentation you gave at work. What was it about? Who was in the audience? How did you prepare?, Share a story about working in a team. What project did you work on? What challenges did you face?, Talk about a successful moment at work. It could be personal or something that happened in your company. Why was it important?, Describe a big change that happened at your workplace. It could be a reorganization or new technology. How did it affect you?, Discuss a milestone in your career. Did you get a promotion or complete a professional certification?.

Past Simple stories - work A2


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