1) I ....... to the beach last year. a) goed b) went c) going 2) ....... you ...... Avatar 2 in the cinema? a) Did ..... saw b) Did ..... seed c) Did ..... see 3) She ....... home because she ....... a headache. a) goed ..... had b) go....... had c) went ........ had 4) He ........... anything in the party last weekend. a) didn't drink b) didn't drank c) did drank 5) I think I ....... my jacket in the mall. a) losed b) lost c) did 6) Yesterday, I ....... football and I ........ a leg. a) play ....... break b) played ..... broke c) do ....... broked 7) I ........ a question, but nobody ......... the answer. a) asked ....... knowd b) asked ........ knew c) ask ..... knowing 8) My friends and I ........ pizza last Friday night. a) ate b) eated c) eaten 9) I ........ a new phone yesterday. a) bought b) boughted c) buyed

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