True: Last Friday I went to the city by train for the first time. , I used my weekly zone 2 ticket. , An inspector got on the train at Parliament station. , He asked to see my ticket. , He told me it was no good because I needed a zone 1 & 2 for the city. , I told him I didn’t know it was the wrong ticket., He said it wasn’t his problem. , Then he gave me a fine for $100., I was embarrassed because there were a lot of people on the train., Everybody was looking at me. , I was really upset., False: Last Saturday I went to the city by train for the first time. , I used my weekly zone 1 ticket. , An inspector got on the train at Flinders Street station. , He asked to see my ID. , He told me it was good because I needed a zone 1 & 2 for the city. , I told him I knew it was the wrong ticket., He said it was his problem. , Then he gave me a fine for $10., I was embarrassed because there were a lot of people on the bus., Everybody wasn't looking at me. , I was really tired.,

Bad luck


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