Give a formal appraisal: Overall... / In general..., We are very pleased with your performance, You seem to be doing very well., One of your key strenghts is ..., Perhaps one think to work on is..., One thing I wanted to discuss was..., Encourage self-evaluation: How do you feel about...?, How are you getting on with...?, What do you think would help you to...?, Have you thought about...?, Is this an area you would like to develop?, Set objectives: One thing your are going to..., You intend to..., You need to think about..., Evaluate your own performance: I'm really happy with..., Something I need to work on is..., I think ... is an area of improvement., Agree objectives: How does that sound?, Is that ok with you?, Is there anything else you would like to add?,

Unit 15 - Business Communication Skills - Appraising performance and setting objectives - Bizz Result


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