What is 1/4 written as a percent?, What is 575%written as a mixed number?, What is 22.5%written as a fraction in simplest form?, What is 0.399 written as a percent?, What is 7 1/5 written as a percent?, What is 86% written as a decimal?, What is 32% of 60?, Find 340% of 35., Find 0.15% of 43., What is 20% of 141?, Order 75%, 1/2, 0.375, and 5/8 from least to greatest., What is 6 1/4 written as a decimal?, What is 0.9 written as a fraction in simplest form?, 16 is 20% of what number?, A store is having a sale where school supplies are 30% off their original price. A backpack is on sale for $11.20. What was the original price?, A recipe for guacamole uses 12% lime juice. If a batch contains 0.75 cup of lime juice, how large is the batch of guacamole?, Fred completed 10 math problems. This is 40% of the number of math problems he has to do. How many math problems must he do?, Estimate 25% of 395., Estimate 48% of 60..


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