1) “There are many fun things to do at the beach. Swimming is one thing that can be done at the beach. Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun. I love to play at the beach.” a) Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun. b) There are many fun things to do at the beach. c) Swimming is one thing. 2) “Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer. Soccer players learn how to dribble and pass the ball. They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score. Most importantly, soccer players learn how to work together with their teammates.” a) They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score. b) Soccer players learn how to dribble. c) Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer. 3) Some babies cry a lot and make lots of noise. Babies cry when they are wet, and they want to change their dippers. Also, they cry when they are hungry, and they want to eat. a) Babies cry for many reasons. b) They cry when they are wet. c) They cry when they are hungry. 4) Mother birds lay eggs in nests where they are safe. Little birds hatch from the eggs. They cheep and cheep until their parents bring them food. Birds eat fruits, worms, and nuts. They use hay or mud to build their nests. a) Mother birds lay eggs in nests where they are safe. b) Little birds hatch from the eggs. c) They use hay or mud to build their nests. 5) Frogs can do lots of things. Frogs can live on land and in ponds. They can jump, hop, and swim. They can grab the bugs with their long tongues. a) They can grab the bugs with their long tongues. b) Frogs can do lots of things. c) They can jump, hop, and swim.


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