Allain enjoys analyzing online videos. He smacks down those that don't live up to the rigors of physics and obsesses about those he suspects but can't pin down. - precision or accuracy, Katie explains that when she looks at fishy videos, she asks "is this video physically possible?" - suspicious or improbable, In a video like this one, Ja'Bryan also measures the way things move, accelerate, and fall to see if they obey natural laws - follow or adhere to, One of Khareem's favorite techniques is to analyze camera shake- you know, that quaking picture people get from holding a camera in their hand instead of using a tripod. - vibrate or move, If there's a pattern to the jumpiness, it's a fake. Real shake is random. Of course there are also some simple, common-sense ways to spot an imposter just by looking. - fake or phony, As technology improves and fakers become more determined, it gets harder to weed out the hoaxes  - persistent or driven, The fake was so good, even his scientific analysis couldn't debunk it. - Disprove or expose, People love to be entertained - and fooled. We are drawn to amazing feats and want to believe they are real. - achievements or adventures,

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