1) Which is an example of a good research question? a) What is the most common disease? b) How can we prevent all diseases? c) What are the primary risk factors for heart disease in adults aged 50 and older in urban areas, and how can preventive measures be effectively implemented to reduce the incidence of heart disease? d) What are the leading causes of infectious diseases in developing countries, and how can access to clean water and sanitation facilities be improved to reduce disease incidence? 2) Which is an example of a good research question? a) What makes top long-distance runners perform their best, and how can other runners learn from them to get better? b) Why do people find sports popular, and what are the underlying factors that contribute to the widespread interest and engagement in sporting activities? c) In your opinion, which sport do you think is the best, and can you provide reasons for your preference? 3) Which is an example of a good research question? a) In your opinion, what are the methods and approaches that can be employed to enhance global sustainability efforts, aiming for a more ecologically balanced and equitable future for all? b) How can we make the world more sustainable? c) What is sustainability and why is it important? d) How can we make city transportation more eco-friendly, and what are the main challenges we need to overcome to achieve this? 4) Which is an example of a good research question? a) Why is inequality rampant in the education system and how can we fix it? b) What are the benefits and challenges of implementing technology in the classroom? c) How does parental involvement affect a student's academic performance? d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of standardized testing in schools? 5) Which is NOT an example of a good research question? a) How can we create inclusive environments that foster a sense of belonging and participation for individuals from diverse backgrounds? b) In what ways can educational institutions create inclusive environments that foster a sense of belonging and active participation for students from diverse backgrounds, c) Why is inclusiveness considered a critical aspect of contemporary society?

Identifying Good Research Questions


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