1) Israel is ...... years old a) 75 b) 60 c) 40 d) 25 2) The capital of Israel is... a) Jerusalem b) Tel Aviv c) Eilat d) Tiberias 3) Who was the founder of Zionism? a) Golda Meir b) Theodore Herzl c) Moses d) Bibi Netanyahu 4) What was the goal of Zionism? a) That the Jews would convert to Christianity b) That the Jews would go to America c) That the Jews would have a homeland of their own d) That the Jews would create their own neighborhoods in Europe 5) What did people think of Herzl's idea? a) They thought it was a joke b) They thought it was a good idea c) They thought he was crazy d) They thought he wasn't serious 6) What was the Balfour Declaration? a) A financial gift from Lord Balfour b) A letter from Lord Balfour expressing British support for creating a homland for the Jews in Palestine c) A letter stating Britain didn't support Israel 7) How did the Arabs respond to the UN's 1947 plan to partition (divide) Palestine into two countries? a) They supported it. b) They agreed to think about it. c) They refused to accept it and went to war with the new country of Israel. d) They responded with a plan of ther own. 8) Why did Jews from Eurpoe have to immigrate illegally to Palestine before the founding of the State of Israel? a) Because the Arab countried stopped immigration to Palestine b) Because the chalutzim in Israel didn't want more people coming c) Because it was cheaper to immigrate illegally  d) Because the British stopped immigration to Palestine 9) What was the name of the war that broke out in 1948 after Israel declared its Independance? a) War of Independence b) Yom Kippur War c) 6-Day War d) Lebanese War 10) Which accomplishent is credited to Golda Meir a) Created the Israel army b) Create the Bank of Israel c) Prevented the 1973 war d) Raise $50 Million to prepare for Declearation of Independence and possible war

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