Adaptation - any characteristic that helps a plant or animal survive, Environment - The space, conditions, and all the living and nonliving things around an organism, Evidence - Information that supports an idea, Habitat - The place where an animal or plant lives, Organism - A single, self-contained, living thing, Survive - To continue living and remain in existence, Defense - Protection against harm, Function - What something does, Group - A number of individuals gathered together or having some common relationship, Member - A part of a group, Characteristic - A feature that helps identify something, Diet - What an organism eats, Interactions - Actions by one thing that have an effect on a different or separate thing, Learned Behavior - Behavior that is acquired through experience; playing basketball, Trait - A single characteristic of a living thing, Inherited - Passed on from parent to offspring, Variations - Differences among objects or organisms, Chancellor - This person teaches you math and science, Perkins - This person teaches you ELA and social studies,


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