Freedom of speech, religion, press, petition, assembly. - 1st Amendment- definition, Right to bear arms - 2nd Amendment- definition, No quartering of troops - 3rd Amendment- definition, The city council has passed a law that no one in the city may own a gun. - 2nd Amendment, A law is passed requiring anyone with an extra bedroom to house a soldier be because the army base is overcrowded. - 3rd Amendment, Dan wants to go to city hall to give a petition to the mayor to keep the local basketball courts from being closed and turned into a parking lot. - 1st Amendment- petition, A group of people assemble to demand the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. - 1st Amendment- assembly, A family displays a Nativity scene on the front lawn during Christmas. - 1st Amendment- religion, Wearing a button supporting your favorite Candidate for President to school. - 1st Amendment- Speech, President Trump hates the National Enquirer. He thinks they’re evil, and demands his friends in Congress put a stop to their mischief. - 1st Amendment- press,

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