1) to get public land by living on it and farming it for a period of time a) Settlers b) Homestead Act c) Treaty d) Forty-niners 2) A person who arrives from another place, in order to live there a) Homestead Act b) Forty-niners c) Settlers d) Sod 3) To absorb a group into the culture of a larger population a) Assimilate b) Homestead Act c) Cowboy d) Transcontinental Railroad 4) A person who opens the way for others to follow a) Pioneer b) Dry Farming c) Oregon Trail d) Sod 5) An area of public land that is set aside for Native Americans a) Dry Farming b) Resistance c) Homestead Act d) Reservation 6) A group of Pioneers that went west to discover gold in California a) Treaty b) Forty-niners c) Assimilate d) Resistance 7) A young unmarried man that went west to ride horses and drive cattle a) Cowboy b) Dry Farming c) Sod d) Reservation 8) A formal agreement between the government of two countries  a) Oregon Trail b) Assimilate c) Resistance d) Treaty 9) Soil and grass a) Sod b) Assimilate c) Settlers d) Transcontinental Railroad 10) A method to plant seeds deep in the ground, in order to get moisture  a) Assimilate b) Dry Farming c) Reservation d) Treaty 11) Connected the East and West Coast of the United States a) Transcontinental Railroad b) Cowboy c) Sod d) Forty-niners 12) 2000 mile long path that American Pioneers followed to the Williamette Valley a) Reservation b) Oregon Trail c) Cowboy d) Forty-niners 13) To not accept or comply with something a) Sod b) Resistance c) Homestead Act d) Reservation

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