break the habit - He could finally _________________ of biting his nails by wearing gloves., force of habit - I just locked the door by _________________ , not thinking that Julia wouldn't be able to get in., creature of habit - My grandfather is a _________________. He wakes up at the same time every morning and eats the same breakfast every day., old habits die hard - I've been trying to stop eating junk food for years, but _________________ ., got into the habit - Last year, I _________________ of going to the gym every day. I’m now much healthier., have made a habit - I used to be very disorganized, but I _________________ of writing down my to-do list every day. Now I’m more productive than ever before., fell back into my old habits - I was doing so well with my diet, but then I _________________ when I went on vacation., cold turkey - I was addicted to video games, but one day I decided to quit _________________. I gave away all my video games and deleted all the gaming apps from my phone.,

Idioms and Expressions about Habits



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