available - Easy to get; present and ready for use., bondage - The state of being a slave., donate - To give to those in need, often through an organization., establish - To set up or begin. To show to be true. , establishment - Something that has been established, especially a place of business or a public building., evade - To keep away from; to avoid being caught. To avoid doing or answering., liberate - To free., numerous - A large number; very many, occasion - A particular time. A special event., occasional - Happening once in a while., oppose - To be or act against., prohibit - To forbid by law or order., pursue - To follow in order to capture; chase. The act of following after. An activity, as a job or sport, that a person takes part in., reassure - To make less worried or fearful; to comfort., reluctant - Not wanting to do something; unwilling. , superior - Excellent of its kind. Higher position or rank. A person of higher rank. , yearn - To want very badly; to be filled with longing. ,

Vocabulary Lesson - 2


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