Fire step: Soldiers stood on these to look and fire 'over the top', Dug out: roos dug out of the back wall of trenches, Periscope: enables troops to see out 'over the top' with being shot, Barbed wire: slowed down attacking troops, Communication trench: Linked front line trench to reserve trenches, No man's land: around 50m-200m wide, Food was basic: stew, bread and hard biscuits. Bacon, cheese and jam were treats but the water tasted of chlorine, Rats: Both feared and hated by the soldiers, Leisure: writing letters, Leisure: playing cards, Sandbags: used to line the walls of the trenches , Mud: Difficult to fight on and caused diseases, such as trench foot., Bayonet rifle: a rifle with a blade attached to the end, Labour: digging trenches was done by hand and was hard work, Ambulance dogs: these dogs would help to find wounded soldiers, kill rats, carry medical equipment and messages throughout the trenches.

Features of a World War One trench


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