Queer Pedagogy - Radical pedagogical project that intends to destabilize the normal by the means of a transgressive and disturbing educational practices that questions the cisheteronorm in schools , Queer - Slur used against LGBTQI people, that was later re-appropiated by the members of the radical, direct-action antihomophobic movement , Queer Activism - Series of alliences between people with subalterned identities that seeks to challenge homophobic social and political attitudes and to secure government action for AIDS research and prevention.  Serie of alliences of people with subalterned identities that seeks tochallenge homophobic social and political attitudes and to secure government action for AIDS research and prevention. , Cuir - anglicism and a phonetic transcription that conveys the production of alliances between the subalterned identities from the North and the South. ,

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