1) Which hero had to go through a series of tasks called 12 labors? a) Achilles b) Hercules c) Odysseus d) Perseus e) Theseus f) Jason 2) Who was the mother of Achilles? a) Gaia b) Leto c) Thetis d) Ariadne e) Medea f) Hera 3) In his absence, Odysseus' wife, Penelope, had ____ suitors a) 30 b) 9 c) 25 d) 108 e) 99 f) 144 4) Who commanded Greek forces during the Trojan War? a) Agamemnon b) Perseus c) Achilles d) King Menelaus e) Hector f) Paris 5) Perseus was most renowned for... a) Killing his grandfather b) Killing Cetus c) Killing Dictys d) Killing Andromeda e) Killing Medusa f) Killing Atlas 6) Theseus was a founder of... a) Thebes b) Troy c) Troezen d) Crete e) Aphidnae f) Athens 7) Jason fell in love with a) Ariadne  b) Aetes c) Medea d) Medusa e) Helen f) Leda 8) Menelaus was the king of  a) Athens b) Greece c) Troy d) Sparta e) Minos f) Crete 9) Oedipus was known for marrying his mother a) Iphigenia b) Jocasta c) Antigone d) Ariadne e) Medea f) Ismene 10) The name of Orpheus' muse and love interest was... a) Persephone b) Electra c) Ariadne d) Eurydice e) Clytemnestra f) Danaë 11) Which goddess was the mother of Aeneas? a) Athena b) Selene c) Aphrodite d) Amphitrite e) Hebe f) Artemis 12) Before he became a constellation, Orion was a... a) renowned hero b) skilled soldier c) famous poet d) great hunter e) notable craftsman f) pious priest 13) Hector was defeated and killed by... a) Paris b) Menelaus c) Agamemnon d) Priam e) Ajax f) Achilles 14) Bellerophon is a Greek hero most notable for killing Chimera and taming:  a) Cerberus b) Centaur c) Phoenix d) Pegasus e) Basilisk f) Griffin

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