1) The fish was eaten by the cat. a) Present simple b) Past simple 2) Extra time is being taken by the player. a) Present simple b) Present continuous 3) The medicines had been taken by Sam. a) Present simple b) Present perfect c) Past perfect 4) This portrait has been drawn by my sister. a) Present perfect b) Past perfect 5) Yash is loved by everyone. a) Present simple b) Past simple c) Present cont 6) The ball was thrown by Virat. a) Present simple b) Past simple 7) The zebra was attacked by the lion. a) Present simple b) Past cont c) Past simple 8) The deer was being shot by the hunter. a) Present continuous b) Past continuous 9) A kite is being flown by Shiva. a) Present continuous b) Past continuous c) Future continuous 10) A photograph will be taken by Rita. a) Future simple b) Future cont 11) Sweets are liked by children. a) Present continuous b) Present perfect c) non of these 12) Class has been taken recently. a) Present perfect b) Past perfect

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