1) Avoid the comma splice! a) The house, high on the hill, looked foreboding. b) The house was on the hill, it was foreboding. 2) Avoid the comma splice! a) The river sparkled, and the ducks frolicked. b) The river sparkled, the ducks frolicked. 3) Avoid the comma splice! a) Once I put my shoes on, I'll be ready to go. b) I'm ready to go, I just need to put my shoes on. 4) Avoid the comma splice! a) Stopping for an ice-cream is a great idea, I know where we should go. b) Stopping for ice-cream is a great idea; I know where we should go. 5) Avoid the comma splice! a) Malcolm listened to the new band, he thought they were really good. b) The new band, who were excellent in Malcolm's opinion, played well. 6) Avoid the comma splice! a) You can get from the chapel to the astro in under three minutes, you have to walk quickly, though! b) You can get from the chapel to the astro in three minutes. You have to walk quickly, though! 7) Avoid the comma splice! a) Armadillos are the only mammal to wear shells. They live North, Central and South America.  b) Armadillos are the only mammal to wear shells, they live in North, Central and South America. 8) Avoid the comma splice! a) I'm very excited about my holiday, I'm leaving tomorrow. b) Because I'm going on holiday tomorrow, I'm very excited. 9) Avoid the comma splice! a) Penguins are a type of bird that are unable to fly. b) Penguins are a type of bird, they are unable to fly. 10) Avoid the comma splice! a) I took my Knowledge Organiser test on Wednesday. Can you believe that I passed with 70%? b) I took my Knowledge Organiser test on Wednesday, can you believe I passed with 70%

#48 (Comma Splices)


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