1) a large town with tall buildings and many people a) city b) feast c) country 2) the things you study at school a) objects b) subjects c) common 3) normal or ordinary a) common b) learn c) object 4) when you feel like you have nothing to do or that nothing is interesting a) scurried b) common c) bored 5) when you gain knowledge or a new skill a) subjects b) recognize c) learn 6) when you remember something because you have seen it before a) object b) recognize c) common 7) you were moving very quickly a) feast b) scurried c) recognize 8) a big fancy meal with different foods a) feast b) subjects c) country 9) a thing or an item a) object b) common c) subjects 10) the land outside a town or city, where there are farms and not many buildings or people a) country b) bored c) object

Vocabulary Unit 1 Week 1-2


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