Avoiding plagiarism - Not using someone else's words, ideas, or work without proper acknowledgment or citation., Revision - The process of reviewing, editing, and refining a draft of a text in order to improve clarity, coherence, and overall quality., Argumentation - The process of presenting a logical and well-structured argument in academic writing. It involves providing evidence and reasoning to support a thesis or claim., Peer feedback - The process of having one's work reviewed by other students/colleagues in order to get new ideas and suggestions., Cohesion - The smooth connection and flow between sentences and ideas, achieved through the use of linguistic and structural elements., Paragraph structure - Organizing a group of related sentences around a central idea or topic, typically consisting of a clear topic sentence, supporting details or evidence, and a concluding sentence, to ensure coherence and clarity in the presentation of information or arguments., Academic (writing) style - Writing that aims to be sufficiently complex, formal, objective, explicit, hedged, accurate, precise, organised and responsible., Referencing & paraphrasing - Citing and rephrasing external sources respectively, to acknowledge and incorporate relevant information and ideas from those sources (using a well-documented style, such as APA).,

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