1) 打针 a) da zhen b) give or have an injection c) chi yao d) eat medicine e) he shui f) drink water 2) 吃药 a) drink water b) give or have an injection c) eat medicine d) he shui e) da zhen f) chi yao 3) 喝水 a) chi yao b) he shui c) eat medicine d) drink water e) da zhen f) give or have an injection 4) 休息 a) shui jiao b) sleep c) hui jia d) xiu xi e) have a rest/take a break f) go home/return home 5) 回家 a) go home/return home b) have a rest/take a break c) shui jiao d) xiu xi e) sleep f) hui jia 6) 睡觉 a) hui jia b) xiu xi c) have a rest/take a break d) go home/return home e) shui jiao f) sleep 7) 给 a) bang b) dai c) gei d) give/for or to e) help f) bring 8) 帮 a) bang b) dai c) gei d) give/for or to e) help f) bring 9) 带 a) bang b) dai c) gei d) give/for or to e) help f) bring

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