1. There is a ____ in the park. On Sundays, I walk around it with my Grandma. We like to watch the boats and feed the ducks. 2. A big ____ goes through my town. There are a lot of cafes next to the water. 3. Lots of animals lives in the trees and bushes in the ____. 4. My uncle lives in a small ____. There are only ten houses and one shop. The nearest big city is 15 km away. 5. My friends went on holiday to an ____ in Greece. They took a boat to get there because there is no road over the sea. 6. I don't like living in a town, but I like living in the ____. It's really quiet. 7. There's an amazing ____ in Africa! It's over 100 metres tall and you can hear the water even from far away. 8. There's a big ____ in Iceland. It's like a mountain, but fire comes out of the top!

Roadmap A2+, unit 7B, Natural Features, practice


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