1) Does top start with the /t/? a) b) 2) Does cat start with the /t/? a) b) 3) Does tea start with the /d/? a) b) 4) Does table start with the /t/? a) b) 5) Does taxi start with the /t/? a) b) 6) Does moon start with the /t/? a) b) 7) Does turtle start with the /t/? a) b) 8) Does van start with the /t/? a) b) 9) Find the word can. a) can b) up c) eat d) see 10) Find the word eat. a) can b) up c) eat d) see 11) Find the word up. a) can b) up c) eat d) see 12) Find the word see. a) can b) up c) eat d) see

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