1) In "Una donna", which region of Italy did the narrator and her family move to when she was a child? a) Roma b) Toscana c) le Marche 2) What year was "Una donna" published in? a) 1902 b) 1906 c) 1910 3) Which feminist scholar used the term "matrophobia" in her 1976 book, "Of Woman Born"? a) Carla Lonzi b) Helene Cixous c) Adrienne Rich 4) Which of these feminists does not belong to "French Second-Wave Feminism"? a) Betty Frieden b) Helene Cixous c) Julia Kristeva 5) What was the key word in first wave feminism? a) liberation b) equality c) emancipation 6) What was a key short-coming of second-wave feminism? a) It didn't address issues of intersectionality b) it didn't address workers' rights c) it didn't address bodily autonomy 7) When was abortion made legal in Italy? a) 1983 b) 1973 c) 1978 8) Who came up with the term "ecriture feminine"? a) Sibilla Aleramo b) Luce Irigaray c) Helene Cixous 9) Who is to blame for the "monstrous chain" according to Aleramo? a) male children b) self-sacrificing mothers c) patriarchal society 10) What part of the brain is least active when someone experiences a trauma? a) Broca's area b) the amygdala c) the visual cortex 11) What event does Aleramo's narrator use the expression: "un abbraccio insolito" to refer to? a) her suicide attempt b) her Norwegian friend's death c) her rape

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