save up for - to set money aside over time in order to afford something in the future, in cash - using banknotes and coins to make a payment instead of electronic forms, by credit card - making a payment for a purchase using a credit card, keep the receipt - keeping the proof of purchase as evidence for possible returns or exchanges, exchange - to swap one item for another, typically for a different size or color, look for bargains - actively search for products at lower prices or discounts, special offers - promotions or discounts offered by stores for a limited time, a good deal - a purchase that offers a good value for the price paid, the sales - periodic events when products are offered at reduced prices, go on sale - when products are made available for purchase at discounted prices, goods - items available for sale, whether in a physical store or online, be delivered - to have products or items delivered to your location, get a refund - the process of receiving money back for a returned or unsatisfactory product., cancel an order - to formally withdraw a request for a product or service.,

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