1) Hi, Max! Where were you yesterday afternoon? You ___ at school. a) wasn't b) weren't 2) Oh hi Suzy. I wasn't at school. I ____ at a big athletic competitions at the big sports club. a) was b) were 3) Really? ____ it fun? a) Was b) Were 4) Yes, it was. It ___ amazing! a) was b) were c) weren't 5) I ___ the winner of the 800 m race. a) were b) was 6) Fantastic! ____ your parents there? a) Was b) Were 7) No, they weren't. They ____ at work. a) was b) wasn't c) were 8) But my brother ___ there with his video camera? so it was fine. a) was b) were

Prepare 2, ex. 4 p. 25 (was/were)


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