1) She ... two eyes. a) have got b) has got 2) You ... long hair. a) have got b) has got 3) We ... a blue car. a) have got b) has got 4) Helen ... a small bed. a) have got b) has got 5) I ... new glasses. a) have got b) has got 6) They ... funny dogs. a) have got b) has got 7) He ... two ears. a) have got b) has got 8) You ... five pencils. a) have got b) has got 9) It ... a big nose.  a) have got b) has got 10) Crickets .... ears on their legs.  a) have got b) has got 11) Mary and I ... big bedrooms.  a) have got b) has got 12) It ... one mouth. a) have got b) has got 13) I ... a pizza.  a) have got b) has got 14) You ... a brother and a sister. a) have got b) has got 15) Angelika ... beautiful eyes. a) have got b) has got

Happy Street 2 Unit 2 HAVE GOT


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