1) What are you doing? a) I'm doing Karate  b) I'm doing my home work  c) I'm eating snacks  d) I'm playing football 2) What are you doing? a) I'm doing karate  b) I'm watching TV c) I'm playing football  d) I'm playing computer game 3) What are you doing? a) I'm doing my home work  b) I'm watching TV c) I'm playing football. d) I'm doing karate. 4) What are you doing? a) I'm doing karate. b) I'm playing football. c) I'm doing my home work  d) I'm watching TV 5) What are you doing? a) I'm watching TV b) I'm doing my home work  c) I'm playing computer game d) I'm playing football. 6) What are you doing? a) I'm playing football. b) I'm doing my home work c) I'm watching TV d) I'm doing karate.

Test of the second grad (verbs) Things we do.


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