1) Who accidentally kills Baldr with a mistletoe arrow? a) Loki b) Hodr c) Thor d) Odin e) Frey f) Tyr 2) Bragi had runes engraved on his... a) Eyelids b) Lips c) Ears d) Tongue e) Hands f) Back 3) Baldur's sacred animal was: a) Swan b) Hawk c) Eagle d) Peacock e) Raven f) Crow 4) What did Loki do to Sif? a) Killed her b) Seduced her c) Shaved her head d) Stole her powers e) Married her f) Betrayed her 5) Heimdall was born to Odin and... a) Freyja b) Frigg c) Sif d) Sól e) Nott f) Nine Mothers 6) Njörd was unhappily married to the Giantess... a) Angeyja b) Sif c) Blóðughadda d) Bylgja e) Skadi f) Kólga 7) Greeks had Aphrodite, and Norsemen had... a) Frigg b) Skadi c) Freyja d) Sif e) Bylgja f) Sigyn 8) A moon of which planet is named after the goddess Gerdr? a) Jupiter b) Mars c) Uranus d) Neptune e) Saturn f) Mercury 9) Freyr belonged to which tribe of gods? a) Vanir b) Aesir c) Vanaheimr d) Kvasir e) Hoenir f) Jötnar 10) What creatures pull Thor's chariot across the sky? a) Horses b) Wolves c) Lions d) Goats e) Cats f) Foxes 11) What does Odin sacrifice in order to gain wisdom from the Well of Urd? a) Arm b) Finger c) Eye d) Ear e) Tongue f) Leg 12) In an attempt to protect her son, Frigg sought oaths from everything except one item. What was it? a) Stone b) Water c) Fire d) Metal e) Wood f) Mistletoe 13) What does Idunn guard in her garden that grants the gods immortality? a) A fountain b) A tree c) Golden apples d) Flowers e) A magic herb f) A crystal ball 14) Continue the sequence: Nyx, Nut, Nox,  a) Nött b) Nótt c) Nátt d) Nytt e) Nett f) Nøtt 15) What half-and-half appearance is the goddess Hel often described as having in Norse mythology? a) Half-human, half-animal b) Half-fire, half-ice c) Half-giant, half-god d) Half-alive, half-dead e) Half-light, half-dark f) Half-beautiful, half-ugly 16) Hermod is the Norse equivalent of which Greek deity? a) Hestia b) Hephaestus c) Hermes d) Hades e) Hera f) Hebe 17) Odr, often described as a wanderer, is frequently absent from home. Who waits patiently for his return? a) Sigyn b) Sif c) Skadi d) Freyja e) Hel f) Gerd 18) What does Ran use to pull drowned sailors down into her underwater hall? a) A golden fishing rod b) A golden hook c) A golden net d) A golden trident e) A golden harpoon f) A golden anchor 19) Who wanted to marry Thrud, the daughter of Thor, but was thwarted by her father's cunning plan? a) Hrungnir b) b) Thrym c) Geirrod d) Surt e) Alvis f) Jormungandr 20) Tyr lost his hand fighting... a) the wolf Fenrir b) the Midgard serpent c) the giant Hrungnir d) the dragon Nidhogg e) the hound Garmr f) the giantess Hyrokkin

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