How are you? - "I'm good, thanks. How about you?", What do you do for a living? - "I'm a teacher. How about you?", Where are you from? - "I'm from New York. How about you?", Have you been on any interesting trips lately? - "Yes, I went to Paris last summer. It was amazing! How about you? Any recent trips?", What's the weather like outside? - "It's pretty warm today. How are you finding it?", Do you have any plans for the weekend? - "I'm thinking of going to the beach. What about you? Any plans?", What do you like to do in your free time? - "I enjoy reading and hiking. How about you? Any hobbies?", Have you watched any good movies or TV shows lately? - "I just watched a great documentary on Netflix. How about you? Seen anything interesting?", Are you a sports fan? - "I love basketball. Do you follow any sports?", How's your family? - "They're all doing well, thanks for asking. What about your family?",

common small talk questions along with potential follow-up answers


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