1) The path an object follows as it moves around another object in space a) orbit b) rotation c) revolution d) path 2) The motion of one object around another object a) orbit b) rotation c) revolution d) eclipse 3) a spinning motion a) orbit b) rotation c) revolution d) motion 4) phases of the moon during which more of the Moon's near side is lit each night a) waxing phases b) waning phases c) solar eclipse d) lunar eclipse 5) phases of the moon during which less of the Moon's near side is lit each night a) waxing phases b) waning phases c) solar eclipse d) lunar eclipse 6) the large, dark, flat areas on the Moon a) craters b) maria c) oceans d) tides 7) holes on the surface of the moon caused by the impact of meteoroids  a) highlands b) maria c) craters d) rays 8) bright streaks around the craters on the moon  a) highlands b) craters c) maria d) rays


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