produces mucus, aids in reproduction - clitellum, uses sand to grind up food -  gizzard, pushes food into crop - esophagus, controls all the body activies - brain, earthworm bristles to aid in movement - setae, Blackworm bristles to aid in movement - chaetae, softens and stores food - crop, the primitive kidney that filters waste from the blood - nephridia, scientific name for an earthworm - Lumbricus terrestris, phylum for segmented worms - Annelida, regenerated segments - paler segments on blackworm, with the piece that has the clitellum - earthworm regenerates only..., form of asexual reproduction - a piece of an organism breaks off and regenerates - fragmentation, process by which certain organisms produce new body parts - regeneration, a place where an organism naturally lives - habitat, a structure of pigment sensitive to light- detect shadows and light - photoreceptor, solid waste released by earthworms; fertilizes soil - castings, relationship where one organism lives off another organism - parasitism , an organism that lives in or on another organism - parasite, an organism in which a parasite lives - host,

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