1) White chocolate isn’t chocolate. a) True b) False 2) It's True! White chocolate doesn’t have any components of regular chocolate. It’s really just a mixture of sugar, milk, vanilla, and cocoa butter. a) OK b) What? 3) Crackers have holes in them as a decoration. a) True b) False 4) It was false! During the baking process, if the crackers have holes in them, it prevents air bubbles from ruining the product. a) Really? b) WOW! 5) Nutmeg (мускатный орех/gałka muszkatołowa) is a hallucinogen. a) True b) False 6) Nutmeg is a hallucinogen due to a natural compound called myristicin. It has such effects if taken in large doses. a) Got it! b) No way!! 7) Ketchup used to be used as a medicine. a) True b) False 8) True! Back in the early 1800s, people thought tomatoes had medicinal qualities. One doctor said they could treat diarrhea, so he made a recipe for a type of tomato ketchup which then became a pill. a) I knew it! b) Are you kidding? 9) Farmed salmon is colored pink. a) True b) False 10) Wild salmon is naturally pink because of all the shrimp they eat. Meanwhile, farm-raised salmon have a different diet and end up being white. However, they are fed specific plant pigments to get the same color as wild salmon. a) I don't believe it b) Nice to know. 11) Chili peppers increases the temperature in your mouth.  a) True b) False 12) They don't! There’s a chemical in chili peppers that tricks your mouth into feeling like it’s being burned – that’s why spicy food hurts. a) Nothing new. b) That's interesting. 13) Black caviar is the most stolen food in the world. a) True b) False 14) In fact, it’s Cheese!! About 4% of all cheese made around the globe ends up stolen. There’s even a black market for cheese! a) Noooo! b) I'll Google and check that! 15) Quiet music makes people drink more. a) True b) False 16) The opposite is true. Loud music makes people drink more and faster. a) Of course. b) Really? 17) McDonald’s sells 2 billion hamburgers every year. a) More b) Fewer 18) In fact, McDonald’s sells 2,5 billion hamburgers every year. a) Got it. b) Are you for real?

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