Ancient_Romans - Who founded London?, Square_Mile - Another name for the City of London, Thirty_two - How many boroughs are in London?, Buckingham_palace - The most expensive private residence on Earth, Eleven - The number of lines in the London Underground (The Tube), The_Tower_of_London - The location of the Crown Jewels, Borough_market - Food has been sold in this location for a thousand years, Globe_Theatre - William Shakespeare's theatre company founded this theatre in 1599, Westminster_Abbey - All royal coronations and weddings occur here, Prime_Meridian_Line - The line which divides the Earth between the two hemispheres, one in the east and one in the west, Devon_and_Cornwall - There are two acceptable ways to eat a scone with jam and cream. , West - This end of London has some of the best theatres in the world, Harry_Potter - A movie about a boy wizard, Six - Henry the Eighth had this many wives,

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