Socs - Short for "socials" meaning the rich kids who live on the West Side, Greaser - Poor, low-class kids who live on the East Side, Hood - A criminal, Cuss - Use foul language, Lone it - Do something alone, For kicks - to do something for fun, Rolled - To mug someone, Dig - To like something, Broad - A term for a young woman, Savvy - To understand, The Cooler - jail, Kools - A brand of menthol cigarette, Fuzz - The police, Rough - Tough; difficult, Rumble - Gang fight, Soused - Intoxicated, Tuff - Cool, sharp, Reeling - Unable to walk staight, Pickled - Drunk, Crocked - Drunk, A weed - Cigarette, Woofin' - Joking around, Cancer stick - Cigarette, JD - Juvenile delinquent (a young person who habitually commits criminal acts or offenses), In a jam - In some kind of trouble, Bopper - Fighter, A heater - A gun.

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