True: Agoraphobia is the fear of being trapped., An unconditioned stimulus is food, an unconditioned response is a dog salivating, Behaviourists say that behaviour is learnt., Operant conditioning is learning through consequence, The alternative theory is the evolutionary theory., The evolutionary theory says you are more likely to be scared of something which helps your survival, Watson and Rayners (1920) study was unethical., Flooding is a type of therapy which immerses students in their fear., False: Agoraphobia is a fear of heights., An unconditioned stimulus is a bell, an unconditioned response is a dog salivating, Behaviourists say behaviour is inherited., Operant conditioning is learning through association, The alternative theory is the social learning theory, The evolutionary theory says that you are more likely to be scare of something which you have had a bad experience with., Watson and Rayners (1920) study was ethically sound., Flooding is a type of therapy which slowly encourages people to face their fears.,

GCSE Psychology - Atypical Behaviour


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