1) When a person says one thing but means the opposite; a) Verbal irony b) Dramatic irony c) Situational irony 2) When the opposite of what is expected happens; and. a) Verbal irony b) Dramatic irony c) Situational irony 3) When the audience knows something that characters do not. a) Situational irony b) Verbal irony c) Dramatic irony 4) A marriage counselor files for divorce. a) Verbal irony b) Dramatic irony c) Situational irony 5) Romeo and Juliet, the title characters commit suicide because they don't know about each other's plans. a) Dramatic irony b) Situational irony c) Verbal irony 6) Verbal irony general definition : a) Sacarsm b) Overstatement or exaggeration. .. c) An understatement.


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