subcontinent - a separate region of a continent, delta - an area where a river deposits sediments as it empties into a larger body of water, isolation - separated; being set apart from others, cultural hearth - Center of civilization from which ideas and technology spread, varna system - A 4-level social structure in India, citadel - a fortress that sits on higher ground abovve a city, Sanskrit - language of the Aryans, graneries - a storehouse for threshed grain, Harappa - the first urban civilization in South Asia, Indus River - the river near the Harappan civilization, farming / agriculture - the Harappan civilization was based on this, Mohenjo-Daro - one of the two amazing urban cities, 1920 - the year Mohenjo-Daro was discovered, climate change - the favored theory of why this civilization ended, walls around the city - protected the city from floods and invaders,

7.2.30 Indus Valley Civilization


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