eitem - item, eitemau - items, ffafr - favour, ffafrau - favours, ffrog - dress, ffrogiau - dresses, gôl - goal, goliau - goals, gwawr - dawn, lawnt - lawn, lawntiau - lawns, llaw - hand, dwylo - hands, clecs - gossip, creision - crisps, cwsmer - customer, cwsmeriaid - customers, emyn - hymn, emynau - hymns, ffŵl - fool, ffyliaid - fools, twll - hole, tyllau - holes, dawnus - talented, personol - personal, ysgafn - light, difetha - to spoil, to destroy, ebostio - to email, gofalu am - to look after, to care for, gosod - to put, to set, gwrthod - to refuse, pobi - to bake, 'strwyo - to spoil, diolch byth - thank goodness, materion cyfoes - current affairs, mwy neu lai - more or less,

Geirfa Uned 10 - Sylfaen, Dysgu Cymraeg (De, f2)


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