1) The unconscious selfish aggressive instinct that demands immediate gratification is known as what? a) SUPEREGO b) ID c) EGO 2) The conscious mind is where on the iceberg a) Top b) Middle c) Bottom 3) A ‘Slip of the tongue’ is known as what technical term? a) Freudian Slip b) Unconscious statement c) Parapaxe 4) What is the role of a defence mechanism? a) Copes with conflict between the ID & SUPEREGO b) Copes with the conflict between EGO & SUPEREGO c) Copes with the conflict between all 3 5) What is meant by 'projection' a) Satisfying an impulse e.g. aggression b) Displacing one's feelings onto another person, animal or object c) Blocking external events from awareness 6) What is meant by 'unconscious mind' a) Thoughts and feelings we are aware of b) Things we don't think about but we can retrieve with some thought c) Feelings, thoughts, urges that are out of our conscious awareness

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