1) How many extreme sports are there in the world a) 6 b) 7 c) 9 d) 8 e) 10 2) Which sport is extreme a) Bonjee jumping b) Football c) Hockey  d) Formula 1 3) What is rope jumping a) Parachuting from fixed object b) Jumping with a rope from high object c) Stubs riding 4) Which of the sports is not extreme a) Zorbing  b) Curling c) Diving 5) One of the founders of which extreme sports is David Belem a) Friant  b) Parkour c) Rufing 6) What is bouldering  a) type of diving b) type of snowboarding  c) type of rock climbing 7) What is the name of tractor racing a) Bison track show b) Boking c) Zorbing 8) Who is Patrick Gallardon a) Freeruning creator b) the inventor of the modern wingsuit c) French tightrope Walker


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