She stared at me in an accusing m.... - manner, Please exit the building in an orderly m.... - manner, She can't accept even m... criticism of her work. - mild, We've had a m... winter this year. - mild, There is n... p... like home. - no place, Electronic o... are much smaller and cheaper than pipe o.... - organs; organs, They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to p... t... - pull through, It was a crisis year for the company, but we have p... t.... - pulled through, I didn’t think he’d survive, but he p... t.... - pulled through, It took her a long time to r... from/after her heart operation. - recover, She went into a coma and died without r... consciousness. - recovering, Police only r... a very small percentage of stolen goods. - recover, Mira made a full r... from the operation. - recovery, At last the economy is showing signs of r.... - recovery, The soldiers discovered a pile of human s... and bones. - skulls, They live s... in the South. - someplace, If they don't like it here they can go s... else. - someplace, If the foundations of the house aren't s..., collapse is possible. - stable, After several part-time jobs, he's now got a s... job in a bank. - stable, The economy is fairly s... - stable, My son is a brain s... - surgeon /ˈsɝː.dʒən/, The patient had/underwent s... on his heart. - surgery, I must look like the t... tourist with my shorts and my camera. - typical, This dish is t... of Southern cooking. - typical, He recently u... heart bypass surgery. - underwent, He’s the surgeon in charge of the burn u... at the hospital. - unit, The dollar is the standard u... of currency in the US. - unit, She has very little v... in her left eye. - vision, The X-... showed a slight irregularity in one lung. - X-ray, She had an X-... to see if any of her ribs were broken. - X-ray,
ALC Book 24, Lesson 4 (2)
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