Contract of Employment  - A legal agreement between an employer and an employee , Discrimination  - When one worker is treated differently from another for no acceptable reason. There are several unacceptable reasons for different treatment , Employment Law  - Designed to protect workers from employers who may treat them unfairly , Employment Tribunal  - A panel that hears cases where employment laws may have been broken and which comes to a decision either in favour of the employer or employee , Holiday Entitlement - The amount of paid holiday that a worker can have in a year, Trade Union - An employee organisation that exists to represent the interest of its members, Working Time Directive - A statement of maximum number of hours that a person can be asked to work, Zero-Hours Contracts - Contracts given to employees which do not guarantee any work. The business will call workers if and when they are needed to ask them to come in to work, Equality Act 2010 - protects workers from different types of discrimination including gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief and unequal pay for men and women.,

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